Developing a strong system is the most important part of your overall marketing strategy. Without it, you’re wasting time, effort and money. Hiring staff, whose focus is to develop systems and strategies can be expensive and not an option for smaller organizations. VOCALMOGUL Marketing Strategies can step in and fill this important role assisting you with your marketing and communication.

At VOCALMOGUL, our goal is to work with your team to develop systems that will maintain awareness for your company within the marketplace.  In addition, we will identify the best venues for growing your customer base and how to get there.

David Goddette, Founder of VOCALMOGUL, has spent the last 15 years working with small and medium sized organizations on communication. His relentless dedication to their success and his ability to guide has proven to be a winning formula. A member of the Johnson Fire Department and Johnson Water Rescue Team, David believes strongly in volunteerism, community awareness and holds several certifications in Public Safety including Fire Fighter 1, Swift Water 1, Dive Rescue 1 and CPR/First Aid. 

Our strategy isn’t one sided, nor should it ever be. Identifying how you currently manage your customer relationship is imperative and would be a waste of time and money without systems in place. We will review the best options for you, make recommendations and help you implement systems such as website development and management, social media management and traditional advertising strategy methods including Radio, TV and Print.


traffic jam

Take Advantage of Radio Misconceptions

Many agencies push broadcast/cable TV onto their clients when the numbers clearly show that TV viewership is declining rapidly. Google the recent Disney – Netflix break up, and you’ll see why.  Video Streaming and Time Shifted viewing is destroying modern day viewership. Disney obviously is late to the streaming party, but has the programming. They’re taking it away from Netflix and will be featuring it on their own streaming service.